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UCAM: How did we develop the methodology for REVIVE experiment

REVIVE is a project that was born with the aim of revitalising old cities and historic sites based on New European Bauhaus concepts, providing innovative, sustainable and inclusive solutions inspired by cultural heritage. A team of researchers from UCAM Universidad Católica de Murcia, Spain, made up of 3 architects, 1 artistic director and 1 anthropologist, was in charge of creating a methodology whose implementation was capable of achieving this ambitious purpose.. 

The main challenge posed by the creation of this methodology was the need to be able to be implemented, not only in the 4 places chosen in the project: 2 public spaces, a garden in Tržič, Slovenia, and a square in Tuku, Finland; and 2 historic buildings, one in Cellino Attanasio, Italy, and another in Iasi, Romania; but in any place and country in Europe.

Furthermore, the project posed a second challenge, that the revitalization of these places and buildings be carried out by multidisciplinary teams of young talents, to encourage new generations to be interested in the conservation of cultural and architectural heritage, through a participatory creative process. in which citizens, the main target group, had a leading role in decision-making.

To develop this methodology, intense coordination work has been necessary, both between the members of the team in charge of developing it and with the Partners of the countries where these experiments were going to be carried out, to ensure its real implementation and effectiveness.

The created methodology follows 6 simple steps: OBSERVE-ENGAGE-VISION-EXPERIMENT-LEARN-SHARE.


The methodology provides a set of tables to compile the main data that allows us to know the place in all its dimensions: PLACE-PEOPLE-HISTORY & HERITAGE-ECONOMIC STRUCTURE. In this way, the SWOT (Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats) analysis of both the urban and social context is carried out. The document shows numerous examples that can serve as a reference for the young talents.


The methodology establishes the way to make open calls to recruit young talents and the selection criteria of creative teams. Likewise, it provides a wide set of strategies aimed at promoting citizen participation and gathering the opinions of the different stakeholders during all phases of the project: preparatory phase, during the experiments and after their completion.


During the preparatory phase, 3 activities are established to be carried out: 2 Bootcamps, the first aimed at getting to know both the place or building and the participants, and the second to Know the concepts of the New European Bauhaus from which the project should be inspired, as well as examples of good practices, in addition to carrying out a first brainstorming session; and 1 Capacity Building Seminar, where groups of experts nourish young talents with their experience, improving their skills to carry out the experiment, and to carry out the work plan.


The methodology develops activities to be carried out in a period of 14 days for the implementation of each experiment.


Each experiment should serve to learn from it, with the aim of improving the methodology and increasing its effectiveness. Therefore, the main points to analyze are determined: OBSERVE DE IMPACT-IDENTIFY GOOD PRACTICES-CHECK THE RESULT INDICATORS.


The dissemination of results is an essential part of publicizing the learning from each experience and promoting good practices in the recovery and revitalization of heritage. Therefore, the methodology defines the different audience groups and determines the types of content to create, as well as the most appropriate dissemination channels in each case.


Now, It is time to put this methodology into practice!, so don't forget the following dates when we will can talk about results:





In addition, we invite you to the conference that will take place in OCTOBER 2025 in MURCIA, SPAIN, where all the results of the REVIVE PROJECT will be presented. We wait for you!


Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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